February 25, 2019
Dear Friends and Supporters,
We are thrilled to announce to you that seasoned runners, Iyob Tessema, Amanda Rutendo and Tina Hidreth are running the LA Marathon on March 24, 2019, to support and raise money for the Fregenet Foundation and its school Fregenet Kidan Lehitsanat.
Iyob and his colleagues have already raised substantial amount of money so far, and they are still soliciting your assistance to sponsor them for Fregenet students. During their campaign, Iyob on his face book, said that “I am excited to announce that I will be serving as “Running Ambassador” and raising critically needed funds for THE FREGENET FOUNDATION by representing to participate at the 2019 LA Marathon Race on March 24!!!”
Mr. Tessema is a veteran Marathoner, started running his first LA Marathon in 1995, has run 65 marathons in total, including his “home town marathon” plus 83 half marathons and various other short distances. Alongside his races, Iyob enjoys raising funds as a committed “Running Ambassador” representing various charitable organizations & humanitarian causes.
Please sponsor our runners, Iyob, Tina and Amanda to support our kids, or donate on line through our website at: www.fregenetfoundation.org
or, send a check payable to The Fregenet Foundation and mail it to:
The Fregenet Foundation
901 South Flower Street, Unit 411
Los Angeles, CA 90015
We highly encourage you to contact us at 213-327-2063 for any questions you may have. We thank you all for your continued support and sponsorship in this LA Marathon event.
The Fregenet Foundation