Mission and History

About Us​

The Fregenet Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) corporation founded to honor the life and the lifetime dreams of Fregenet Tafesse Woubshet, a 29-year-old American citizen of Ethiopian origin, who died in an auto accident in the summer of 2003. She had just completed her education in accounting, and was about to embark on the work she saw for herself ahead: the support of her family in Ethiopia and, in the longer term, the assistance of the children of Ethiopia. She envisioned a day when she would open a school for needy children there.

In the weeks following Fregenet’s untimely death, we, her family and friends, vowed that she should not be forgotten. She was good beyond measure, selfless and idealistic. The surest way to keep her alive in our hearts was to follow through with the mission she had chosen for herself: to help needy children in her native country.

Our Mission

  • Prepare and equip the future leaders of the community.
  • Provide high quality early education as a means to overcome poverty, reduce AIDS, gender inequality and political oppression to needy children would otherwise receive no education or a deeply inferior one.
  • Make education central to the community and remove obstacles to education such as health, poverty, hunger, confidence, lack of information and despair.
  • Monitor and assist Fregenet Kidan Lehitsanat graduates with tutoring, meals, and other essential resources as they continue their education after they leave our school