July 10, 2023
Dear friends and supporters,
Warm greetings to all our faithful friends and supporters. As is customary, end of calendar year is graduation time. In that spirit, the graduation ceremony of our young scholars from Fregenet Kidan Lehitsanat School (FKL) kindergarten class was held on July 8th, 2023. It was a cloudy start to the day. The early morning skies was heavily clouded appearing to show a visible threat of rain. It turned out to be an empty threat, however, as the sun ultimately found its way out of the dark and cloudy sky. It was, as we were hoping, a brilliant day with the sun shining throughout the late afternoon.

This is FKL’s 17th graduation ceremony. The school premise was decorated with flags and the ground was strewn with fresh grass locally known as Qeitema and a tent erected to house the guests. The guests included parents of the school children and invited guests from the community. As always, members of FKL were also present to mark the occasion.

Throughout the morning, there was celebratory music and songs by students that could be heard across the school campus. With that backdrop, proud parents poured into the school premise footing their Sunday best.

After all, this day was a proud day, the initial milestone to a journey that will take their children to the pinnacle of scholarship and knowledge. Everyone was really excited to see the graduating students dawning their gowns. They were seated in a most conspicuous side of the tent facing the guests.

The program of the day was well designed, well-rehearsed and well managed. Kudos to the organizers. The ceremony took about three hours. The FKL Manager welcomed the guests and the thanked all the participants of the day. He reported the major activities of the year and thanked all who supported the FKL programs. After that, the program proceeded to singing songs, showing dramas, reading poetry, as well as dancing to folk music.

Many of guests participated in the dances. At one point, for several minutes, the stage was filled with children and their parents dancing to the rhythm of the traditional beats. It was a lovely and glorious occurrence that filled every participants’ heart with joy.

At the end, certificates of graduation were presented to our young graduates by w/ro Menbere Zena, previously a BOD member, and still, a staunch supporter of FKL. It was accompanied by prolonged applause of affection. That was the crowning event of the day. The school Director, Ms. Messeret Cholo led the program and ensured program timing, for all events, was strictly followed.

At the end of the program, traditional Difo Dabo and cookies was offered to the guests and the children were seen enjoying biscuits and soft drinks. It was indeed a day of amusement and a blessing to the graduating children and a fitting end of a successful academic year at FKL.
Thank you all for your support!!
Fregenet Kidan Lehitsant School